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Property Taxes and Records

The City of Edgerton’s property taxes consist of tax levies for the State, County, Vocational School, Edgerton School District, and City. (Please note that the City's portion includes funds levied for the Edgerton Fire District.)

Tax bills are mailed to property owners in mid December of each year. Payments are due January 31st and July 31st (if using the installment plan) or January 31st (if paying in a lump sum). 

Payments should be made to the appropriate county treasurer. For properties in Rock County, the address is Rock County Courthouse, 51 South Main Street, Janesville, WI 53545. For properties in Dane County, the address is Edgerton City Hall, 12 Albion Street, Edgerton, WI 53534.


                              Dane County Tax Records            Rock County Tax Records

Frequently asked questions about the Lottery Tax Credit

2024 Wisconsin Lottery and Gaming Credit Forms


R1: Single Family Home

R2: Single, Conditional Use for Two

R3: 1 & 2 family, 3 & 4 family Conditional Use

R4: 1, 2, 3 or 4 family, Conditional Use for 5 or more family


To find out a specific property's zoning please visit:  GIS Zoning Map





The purpose of assessments is to assure that all property on record in the City is valued fairly and equitably, for taxing purposes.

The City of Edgerton has contracted with Accurate Appraisal to assess real estate and personal property for all taxable properties within the City. If you have any questions you may call them directly at (920)-749-8098.


Accurate Appraisal

1428 Midway Rd

PO Box 415

Menasha, WI 54952


Open Book:
Property owners are encouraged to attend Open Book if they have any questions on how their assessment was determined and the factors that were taken into consideration in arriving at your assessment. Examples of some of these are: sales of comparable properties, current construction costs, improvements to property, location, depreciation, legal restrictions such as Zoning ordinances and general economic changes in the Community.


Assessors can change property values for all non-manufacturing properties up until Board of Review if they agree your value needs to be adjusted.



Property Assessment Information:
The2025 Guide for Property Owners are important publications from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Division of State & Local Finance, Bureau of Assessment Practices. The publications contain information on property assessments, taxation, values, taxes, appeals, property tax bills, etc.


Board of Review:
The Board of Review is a formal, quasi-judicial process for appealing the assessment of real and personal property. The Board of Review receive sworn testimony and evidence, from both the protesting property owner and the Assessor, and make a determination on the validity of the facts presented, under oath, before it. The Assessor's value is presumed to be correct and is changed only if the Board of Review determines that the sworn testimony and evidence presented by the protesting property owners proves otherwise. Board of Review is by appointment only.


Please complete the PA-115a to contest your property value (your home or business improved value) and submit to the Edgerton City Hall at least 48 hours prior to Board of Review.  To contest the value of your personal property (boat and other watercraft, machinery tools and patterns, furniture, fixtures and equipment, etc), please complete the PA-115b and submit to the Edgerton City Hall at least 48 hours prior to Board of Review.  Once the forms have been provided to the Edgerton City Hall, you will be scheduled for an appointment time for Board of Review.


Please note:  Once the Board of Review has adjourned for the year, your property value cannot be changed!

If you have any questions regarding the Board of Review process, please call the Edgerton City Hall at 608-884-3341


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