Running for Local Office
Edgerton City Hall
12 Albion St
Edgerton, WI 53534
Phone: (608) 884-3341
Fax: (608) 884-8892
The City Council and Municipal Judge are elected in the spring of each year. If running for the Municipal Judge, please contact Rock County for more information.
The City Council is made up of the Mayor and six Council members . The terms are 2 years each. There are two council members representing each of the three aldermanic districts. Please see voting map for your district. District 1 is indicated in purple. District 2 is indicated in red and District 3 is indicated in blue.
Documents & Deadlines
State Statute requires that individuals seeking election complete: Declaration of Candidacy, Campaign Registration Statement and Nomination Papers. These forms are available below, or on line at the Wisconsin Elections web site.
Individuals interested in running for local office may begin to circulate nomination papers around December 1 of the year preceding the election year.
All forms must be completed and submitted by 5:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday in January of the election year unless otherwise dictated by the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
Any questions in regards to running for an office you may contact the City Clerk at the 608-884-3341.